Original Status
AAB- “Committee Number”- “Bill Number”:
In the Amending Congress
In the WHEREAS clauses, describe individual reasons why this bill should pass. End the WHEREAS clauses with “, and” so that it runs as one long sentence until the last WHEREAS clause.
Section #:
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AAB-11-004 is a bill that will change the direction of cashflow for the increasing of the money supply from the Federal Reserve directly to the American people instead of going directly to the banks. This is a trickle-up policy, the banks will receive their money for investing after the American people have used it for the consumption of goods and services. This will help the American people in need of extra money, help small businesses that need loyal customers not payments to be bought out by bigger companies, and will still help banks.
*Whenever the Federal Reserve or the Federal Government will increase the money supply, the money will be split up equally and sent directly to individuals who make $76,000 or less. This will not count as income and will not be taxed until the first use of the money by the people, via sales tax when the money is spent.