| | | Privileges Granted to Columbus by the Spanish Monarchy |
| | | Columbus' Letter of His First Voyage |
| | | Amerigo Vespucci First Voyage |
| | | Decree from Spain to Cultivate American Colonies |
| | | John Cabot Patent from King Henry VII |
| | | The Prince - Machiavelli |
| | | Letter from Nunez de Balboa about seeing the Pacific Ocean |
| | | Cortes's Second Letter to Charles V |
| | | Giovanni da Verrazano Letter of his First Voyage |
| | | Letters Patent to Sir Humfrey Gylberte |
| | | Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh |
| | | Charter of Acadia |
| | | First Charter of Virginia |
| | | Second Charter of Virginia |
| | | Third Charter of Virginia |
| | | Charter of New Netherland |
| | | House of Burgesses First Meeting and Resolves |
| | | First African Slaves Sold in Virginia |
| | | Charter of New England |
| | | Mayflower Compact |
| | | Ordinances for Virginia |
| | | Grant of Maine 1622 |
| | | Dutch Purchase of Manhatten |
| | | Charter of Massachusetts Bay Colony 1628 |
| | | Charters of Freedoms and Exemptions |
| | | Christain Charitie - ca John Winthrop |
| | | Charter of Maryland |
| | | Royal Commission for Regulating Plantations |
| | | Declaration in Defense of an Order of Court |
| | | Fundamental Orders of Connecticut |
| | | Fundamental Agreement of New Haven |
| | | Government of Rhode Island 1641 |
| | | Massachusetts Body of Liberties |
| | | The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England |
| | | Government of New Haven |
| | | John Winthrop’s "Little Speech on Liberty" (1645) |
| | | Maryland Toleration Act |
| | | Barbados Declaration of Independence |
| | | Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes |
| | | Flushing Remonstrance |
| | | Charter of Connecticut |
| | | Charter of Carolina |
| | | Rhode Island Royal Charter |
| | | Concession and Agreement of New Jersey |
| | | Dutch Surrender of New Netherlands to England |
| | | Charter of Carolina |
| | | Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina |
| | | Berkeley's Response to Bacon |
| | | Bacon's Rebellion Declaration |
| | | Concessions to the Province of Pennsylvania |
| | | Frame of Government of Pennsylvania |
| | | Constitution of East New Jersey |
| | | Pennsylvania Frame of Government 1683 |
| | | Randolph Condemns Massachusetts Bay Company |
| | | Commission of Sir Andros for the Dominion of New England |
| | | Second Treatise of Government - John Locke |
| | | English Bill of Rights |
| | | Charter of Massachusetts Bay Colony 1691 |
| | | Pennsylvania Frame of Government 1696 |
| | | Penn's Plan for Colonial Union |
| | | Pennsylvania Charter of Privlieges |
| | | Charter of Delaware |
| | | Treaties of Utrecht |
| | | Explanatory Charter of Massachusetts Bay |
| | | Charter of Georgia 1732 |
| | | A Treatise of Human Nature - David Hume |
| | | The Spirit of Laws- Montesquieu |
| | | A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers by Jonathan Mayhew |
| | | Currency Act 1751 |
| | | Albany Plan |
| | | Pennsylvania Assembly Reply to the Governor about Native Raids |
| | | Law of Nations - Emerich de Vattel |
| | | Two Penny Act |
| | | Treaty of Paris 1763 |
| | | Royal Proclamation of Colonial Boundaries |
| | | On Crimes and Punishments - Cesare Beccaria |
| | | An Essay in Vindication of the Continental Colonies of America by Arthur Lee |
| | | A Narrative of the Late Massacres by Ben Franklin |
| | | The Sugar Act |
| | | Currency Act 1764 |
| | | Instructions to Boston's Representatives |
| | | Principles of Law and Polity by Francis Bernard |
| | | A Brief State of the Claim of the Colonies by Thomas Hutchinson |
| | | THE RIGHTS OF THE British Colonies Asserted and proved. |
| | | Sentiments of a British American by Oxenbridge Thacher |
| | | New York Petition for the Repeal of the Sugar Act |
| | | The Colonel Dismounted by Richard Bland |
| | | Connecticut Petition by Thomas Fitch |
| | | Petition from the Massachusetts House of Representatives to the House of Commons |
| | | Rhode Island's Petition on the Sugar & Currency Acts |
| | | Rights of Colonies Examined by Stephen Hopkins |
| | | Petition of the Virginia House of Burgesses to the House of Commons |
| | | Commentaries on the Laws of England - William Blackstone |
| | | The Stamp Act |
| | | Quartering Act of 1765 |
| | | Virginia Resolutions Responding to the Stamp Act |
| | | Massachusetts Circular Letter of 1765 |
| | | The Late Regulations by John Dickinson |
| | | Objections to Taxation Considered by Soame Jenyns |
| | | Pennsylvania Resolves on the Stamp Act |
| | | Braintree Instructions |
| | | Public Letter to the People of Massachusetts by B.W. |
| | | Stamp Act Congress Resolves |
| | | Massachusett's Reply to Governor Bernard |
| | | Massachusetts Resolves Against the Stamp Act |
| | | New York Merchant's Non-importation Agreement |
| | | South Carolina Resolves Against the Stamp Act |
| | | Connecticut Resolution on the Stamp Act |
| | | An Inquiry Into the Rights of the British Colonies by Richard Bland |
| | | Considerations of Imposing Taxes by Dulany |
| | | William Pitt's Speech Against the Stamp Act |
| | | The Repeal of the Stamp Act |
| | | The Declaratory Act |
| | | The Snare Broken by Mayhew |
| | | Repeal of the Sugar Act |
| | | Free Port Act |
| | | New York Restraining Act (1st Townshend Act) |
| | | Commissioners of Customs Act (3rd Townshend Act) |
| | | Revenue Act of 1767 (2nd Townshend Act) |
| | | Indemnity Act of 1767 (4th Townshend Act) |
| | | Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer |
| | | Massachusetts Circular Letters |
| | | Vice-Admiralty Court Act (5th Townshend Act) |
| | | Boston Non-Importation Agreement |
| | | Boston Town Meeting Resolutions |
| | | Virginia Resolves |
| | | Virginia Nonimportation Agreement |
| | | Charleston Non-Importation Agreement |
| | | Repeal of Most of the Townshend Acts |
| | | Beauties of Liberty by John Allen |
| | | An Address on Slavery in America by Benjamin Rush |
| | | Virginia Establishment of Colonial Correspondence |
| | | Candidus |
| | | The Tea Act |
| | | Rules by which a Great Empire may be reduced to a small one |
| | | Philadelphia Resolutions on the Tea Act |
| | | New York Association of the Sons of Liberty |
| | | Boston Port Act |
| | | Observations &c. by Josiah Quincy II |
| | | Adiministration of Justice Act |
| | | Massachusetts Government Act |
| | | Virginia Resolution to Fast and Pray for Boston |
| | | Quartering Act |
| | | Quebec Act |
| | | Fairfax Resolves |
| | | Thomas Jefferson A Summary View of the Rights of British America |
| | | To the People of Great Britain |
| | | Suffolk Resolves |
| | | Galloway's Plan for Union |
| | | First Continental Congress Resolutions |
| | | Continental Association |
| | | Petition to Repeal the Intolerable Acts |
| | | Massachusettensis by Daniel Leonard |
| | | A Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress by Alexander Hamilton |
| | | Novanglus |
| | | The Farmer Refuted by Alexander Hamilton |
| | | Conciliatory Resolution |
| | | African Slavery in America by Thomas Paine |
| | | Edmund Burke's Speech on Conciliation |
| | | Give me Liberty or give me Death |
| | | The New England Restraining Act |
| | | Letter to Canada |
| | | The Charlotte Town Resolves |
| | | Remarks on the Quebec Bill by Alexander Hamilton |
| | | Washington's Commission |
| | | Causes and Necessity of their taking up Arms |
| | | Olive Branch Petition |
| | | Report on the Conciliatory Resolution |
| | | King George III Suppressing Rebellion Proclamation |
| | | Lord Dunmore's Proclamation |
| | | Resolution of Secrecy |
| | | Establishment of the Marine Corps |
| | | New Hampshire's Constitution 1776 |
| | | Thomas Paine's Common Sense |
| | | Letter from Adams to Gates |
| | | South Carolina's Constitution 1776 |
| | | John Adams, Thoughts on Government |
| | | Halifax Resolves |
| | | Preamble and Resolutions of the Virginia Convention |
| | | Lee's Resolution |
| | | Virginia Declaration of Rights |
| | | Virginia Constitution 1776 |
| | | New Jersey Constitution |
| | | Declaration of Independence |
| | | Concord Town Resolutions on the Massachusetts Constitution |
| | | Constitution of Delaware 1776 |
| | | Delaware's Declaration of Rights |
| | | Constitution of Pennsylvania 1776 |
| | | Maryland Constitution 1776 |
| | | Constitution of North Carolina 1776 |
| | | The American Crisis Number I by Thomas Paine |
| | | Georgia Constitution 1777 |
| | | New York Constitution 1777 |
| | | Constitution of Vermont 1777 |
| | | Treaty of Amity and Commerce Between The United States and France |
| | | South Carolina Constitution 1778 |
| | | Treaty of Fort Pitt |
| | | A Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom |
| | | Pennsylvania Act to Abolish Slavery |
| | | |