Original Status
In the Amending Congress
Date: 2/12/2022
In the WHEREAS clauses, describe individual reasons why this bill should pass. End the WHEREAS clauses with “, and” so that it runs as one long sentence until the last WHEREAS clause.
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Preamble: The Government should maintain an updated infrastructure in order to maximize civilian movement and safety along with the private sector economy running smoothly and efficiently without having to worry about the supply chain being hindered by outdated and heavily trafficked roads and airways. This will create plenty of high-paying jobs in the short run and if we adopt a faster means of updating infrastructure then there will be lots of ensured jobs in the long run as well. A goal is to have the private sector increase the supply and transportation in order to fulfill an increasing demand; a growing population due to the immigration policy will increase the labor force to increase the supply while also increasing demand which increases the incentive of private businesses to grow and would have the initial investments into this refurbished infrastructure paid back quickly as there will be more cash flow/tax revenue.
The rail lines will further connect the states and will also connect rural areas to cities in order to encourage more growth and development in rural areas while lessening the population burdens of metropolitan areas.
The HSRS will have three main purposes
Civilian Travel
Military Transport
Because there is a military aspect and since the funding will come from the Army’s budget, the Army will oversee the construction and use of the rails to make sure it is running efficiently and safely.
The veterans coming back from foreign operations due to the army’s budget cuts will be guaranteed a job building the HSRS at $35 an hour while non-military citizens will be paid $25 an hour minimum.
Docks will be directly connected to the HSRS to make cargo shipping faster and more reliable
Civilians using the HSRS will pay a flat fee of $20 and can travel to any part of the country
This fee will change every four years to take inflation into consideration
Freight will be taxed at 1% by the federal government
The Security measure will be the same as airports and the TSA will run them.
The durability of the rails will be standardized for the entire system so each part of the HSRS will be earthquake, hurricane, tornado, blizzard, flood, and fireproof.