Original Status
AAB-19-002: 2020
In the Amending Congress
Mark Shubert
888 House Seats
Whereas Representatives in the House of Representatives are overwhelmed by the number of committees or subcommittees they are in and,
Whereas the number of constituents per representatives is too high for anyone to effectively represent and,
Whereas the people deserve a public servant that represents them and,
Whereas decreasing the number of constituents will decrease the cost of running for office which gives more opportunity to more people to run themselves and,
Whereas the amount of money it would take to lobby to more politicians would increase which will decrease the number of companies and industries that can effectively lobby
, and that Congress needs more public servants instead of having to rely on independent agencies, departments, or any form of investigator or policy think tank.
Section 1: Increase the number of representatives by 100 representatives every ten years until the number of representatives reaches 888.
Section 2: This will take 40 years and the fourth decade will add 153 members to the house.
Section 3: Congress will raise funds to make the necessary changes to the Capitol Building to fit the increase of members of congress.
Section 4: Congress shall have the power to enforce this bill with appropriate legislation.